The decentralized world!
To play Decentraland, you don’t need much; as a guest user, you can simply explore the world by opening its website in a browser. So, create an avatar, name it, confirm your legal age, agree to the terms and conditions and you’re ready to go!
But it would be better to have a cryptographic wallet to properly store your cryptocurrencies and other digital resources in order to fully experience all the benefits of Decentraland. If you don’t have a wallet, You will only be allowed to go around and customize your avatar; you will not be able to participate in the activities.
Possibility and customization on Decentraland:
You can develop 3D environments and avatars and display various digital assets that you can monetize on Decentraland. The possibilities are limitless! You can wander where you want once you’re in the virtual environment or use the map to teleport you to a specific location.
Everything from the comfort of your own home, go to a virtual club, watch NFT art exhibitions, compete in a racing game or join your virtual mates. All this will be done as avatars or digital representations of yourself. Your avatar helps people recognize you and helps you keep track of all your friends.
Now you can customize your avatar in various ways to make it as unique as you are. Choose from a variety of facial features such as eyes, smiles or facial hair,
as well as the ideal clothing, skin tone and hairstyles.
You can also customize your avatar by giving it a unique name.
You can explore the virtual world after creating the ideal avatar.
Games on Decentraland:
You can also play a variety of games in the metaverse.
Some have a play-to-earn economy where you can earn money by gambling.
Ethermon, for example, is a role-playing game to earn monsters.
You can buy NFT Ethermon and compete with other players here.
Meanwhile, a collectible NFT dragon egg can be purchased in WonderQuest.
Once the dragon has been hatched, you can use it to interact with it in the virtual game world, which includes several missions and musical performances.
You can play at Tominoya Casino, a virtual casino created by Decentral Games,
or Battle Racers, a racing game. You can also use Decentraland’s software development kit to create games on your LAND if you are a developer.
Economy of Decentraland:
Its users administer Decentraland through the Decentraland DAO, a decentralised autonomous organisation. MANA and LAND are the native metaverse tokens.
MANA is Decentraland’s cryptocurrency and has a limited supply.
Since it is an ERC-20 token (fungible token), it can be purchased and exchanged on cryptographic exchanges as Binance and Huobi Global and “stacked” on DEX as Uniswap and Sushiswap. It can be used to pay for avatars, LANDs, accessories, collectibles, games and other things in the metaverse.
In the meantime, you can lock your MANA into a WMANA contract,
with consequent MANA wrapped. This wrapped MANA will be “blocked”, which means it cannot be spent or transferred.
The metaverse describes the earth as a “non-fungible digital resource,
transferable and scarce stored in a smart Ethereum contract.” Decentraland consists of 90,601 plots of land size 16 x 16 meters. Each packet is an NFT that can be identified by its location / coordinates of the virtual world.
Also includes information about the owner. In addition, a Estate is composed of two or more adjacent plots.
The light gray lines are roads and cannot be purchased.
In the same way, the nine green areas are squares owned by the community of Decentraland, while the grey lands are those that are owned but not for sale. Blue lands, on the other hand, are for sale. The grounds near the Genesis Plaza (the square in the center) or the slums are more expensive.
You can also buy land directly from the Decentraland Marketplace.
How do you start in Decentraland?
Decentraland Marketplace: The Decentraland Marketplace is the company’s internal ecosystem for the transfer of LAND and Summer, as well as wearable devices and unique names. The Marketplace facilitates quotation and P2P transactions between users who set their prices and negotiate their offers.
There is an Atlas view, which looks like a surveyor’s map and shows which plots of LAND and properties are for sale and other LAND and who owns it, if there are any. You can buy LAND outright or bid on any LAND you see.
A more traditional Marketplace view is available, where you can view various listings, including non-LAND assets such as wearable devices and unique names.
Decentraland Agora Vote -> It is a means of voting. The community is asked about the questions and users vote here with MANA.
Decentraland SDK -> If you want to start building on land, you can do so with Decentralands SDK.
Decentraland Builder -> A fantastic drag-and-drop builder that lets you simply drag and drop epic builds. Decentraland has released an SDK and an in-app GUI called Builder that runs the SDK behind the scenes.
The Builder works as a visual editor, allowing users to create “scene”, which are graphic objects that can be uploaded to Decentraland. Scenes can be uploaded to the LAND you own or the LAND that allowed you to upload them.
Decentraland Avatar -> Create your own avatar as you need to have one before you can travel the world! In Decentraland, avatars are representations
visuals of users. Since avatars are not part of third-party development, they can only be customized in-app.
A peculiarity is that each avatar has a distinct name. Using a Decentraland wallet and paying 100 MANA, you can claim the Name of your avatar before he gets caught. You can, however, create it without claiming a name or claiming it later.
When you create an avatar with the Decentraland wallet, you will receive a passport, which will serve as a digital identity in the Decentraland ecosystem.
Decentraland DAO:
Decentraland differs from the other metavers in that a centralized body does not govern it. Instead, it is controlled by metaverse users who own MANA and LAND through the DECENTRAland DAO. This means players have complete authority over everything from land to assets to governance.
Token owners have the ability to create and vote metaverse development proposals. They can also create polls, vote on political updates, token economy and LAND auctions, among other things. You have the following voting power depending on the token you have.
Earn with Decentraland:
There are many ways to make money once you join Decentraland.
The real estate industry, as in the real world, is gaining ground in the virtual world. Since EARTH is a finite resource, many people believe that its value will increase over time.
When you purchase LAND, you can use it to host applications like games or gambling, advertising or gaming community, among other things. You can charge membership fees for any application you create.
You can also rent or sell the LAND to developers and content creators who want to build on it. You can also view and sell products such as digital collectibles.
Playing a variety of casino games or play-to-earn games is another option to make a lot of money. For example, you can earn $DG tokens at Decentral Games Virtual Casino in various ways, including affiliate bonuses and governance prizes.
In addition, the metaverse is generating job opportunities in the real world.
For example, Tominoya Casino has hired at least 20 part-time greetings and a manager.
How is decentraland Network protected?
Decentraland creates scenes in the ledger known as metaverse2 using TypeScript encoding. The protocol protects the system on which the VR ecosystem is hosted and is designed to support user growth. The use of Ethereum adds an extra layer of safety.
The first level of the system protects the property of LAND users by monitoring and recording LAND purchases and ownership of VR packets on the decentraland VR platform.
Decentraland took the first step towards a Level 2 solution for payments and transactions in 2021 by allowing users to transfer payments their MANA tokens from Ethereum’s blockchain to Polygon, protected by Proof-of-Stake network validators.
PS: I hope this content was useful and thank you for reading:)
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