of bob218
Forgot your system root password? If so, don’t worry! In this article, I will show you how to reset the root password in Kali Linux. Kali Linux was developed by Offensive Security as a rewrite of Backtrack, a Linux distribution that focuses on security. Kali Linux requires a minimum storage space of 20 GB for installation and operation. This operating system uses a variety of tools that require hardware graphics acceleration using the latest GPU.
How to reset the root password: Let’s say you get to the Kali Linux login screen and you forgot your password. If you enter the wrong password, it will say that the password is incorrect and will try again. At this point, you should simply restart Kali Linux.
1.Start the GRUB menu: Once you get to the menu after reboot, make sure to press the up or down arrow keys to cancel the timeout to prevent the system from entering default mode.
2.Modificare il menu di GRUB:
> Highlight “Advanced Options for Kali GNU/Linux”.
> Press the E button.
> Look for the line that starts with “Linux”.
> In the Linux section, replace ‘o’ in the ‘ro_single’ with ‘w’ to make it ‘rw_single’ in the Linux line.
> At the end of this line, press the space bar on the keyboard and type .
Press fn+f10 on the keyboard.
3.Change the password:
> Enter the emulator command below to change the existing password:
$ passwd
> Now, type your new password next to the “New password” option and press the Enter key.
> After typing the new password again, you will see a message saying “password successfully updated”.
> Now you have successfully reset your password by following the above steps.
> Now, select the Kali/Linux option and press the Enter key.
> Provide your username, that is the root username, and your new password.
> Click the login button and you will see that the system now works properly for the root user.
PS: I hope this content was useful and thank you for reading:)
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