of bob218
The Enjin platform offers a number of benefits for game developers and publishers. With the launch of their smart contracts (and the Unity SDK and UI tools), developers will be able to support their virtual assets (video games) with cryptocurrency without requiring any blockchain knowledge. They will be able to leverage the Enjin platform to create token projects and complex economies through a highly intuitive plug & play interface.
Thanks to the reserve value > Creators have the option of mining items supported by ERC-20 tokens which make the item immediately valuable. Also thanks to the fact that the objects can be destroyed or melted to recover the value of reserve. For example, if a player decides to dissolve his Sword (supported by 10,000 ENJ), he will receive 10,000 ENJ (if there are no commissions) in exchange for his removal.
Thanks to advanced security > Trading between two parties can be done securely using an integrated guarantee deposit system. Items can be tied to specific owners and negotiated only with certain parties in the whitelist. For example, creators could take advantage of this to also regulate the secondary market whitelist only approved markets where items can be sold/buyed.
Thanks to an advanced commission template > Creators can choose to charge a commission when trading takes place. In addition, they may choose to charge a commission when items are merged.
Thanks to unique funding models > Since there are so many options when minting items, game makers can find new and unique ways to fund their project. For example, creators could create rare non-fungible items that would be highly collectible used to finance the pre-sale of their game.
Thanks to the economics of controlled objects > Creators have the ability to control the minting nature of their objects. For example, they can mint 10 and only 10 of chromatic swords, so when one is merged, it decreases the total number by increasing its value.
PS: I hope this content was useful and thank you for reading:)
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